Monday, 8 October 2012

Valley Of The Kings is a desert valley located in Thebes.
Illahun is a modern village located near the nile valley.
Memphis is a city that is on the border between upper and lower egypt, Menes is the man that joined these two places.

The Pyramid Of Giza
-There was a queens chamber
-The descending passage leads to the subterranean chamber
-The subterranean chamber is nearly 100 feet underground
-The ascending passage is the beginning of the long walk to the kings chamber
- The grand gallery contains a small passage that leads to the kings chamber
- The kings chamber is where king Khufu was buried
- The subterranean chamber is the lowest chamber that is underground
- The descending passage is the second lowest chamber
- The ascending passage is fourth passage to the kings chamber
- The grand gallery and the queens chamber are two different chambers that the ascending passage leads to
- The grand gallery is a upper gallery that is the last place which then leads you to the kings chamber
- The kings chamber is very important and is practically the top and it is what all the other chambers lead to